This game is an adaptation of BOULDERDASH : one of the best games on C64 and ATARI 130XE , 10 years ago. You must guide the man through the 20 different levels of the game, picking up a maximum of diamonds and avoiding stones, monsters and traps.
Menus :
- About balderdoush… Opens the about window
- A propos de balderdoush Opens the french about window
- Open Loads a new game file.
- Quit Quits the application.
- Game Starts a new game.
- Editor Switches to editor mode, to build new levels ( only available in BALDERDOUSH EDITOR ).
- Sound Switches off or switches on the sound.
- Scores Shows the scoreboard.
- Clear Scores Clears the scoreboard.
- Keys… Adjustement of keys used to play.
To affect a key to a function, clic in the edit field of the function and then push the key.
You could also choose one of the two standard configurations : "Standard Numeric" (moving with the numeric keys) or "Standard Arrow" (moving with the arrow keys).
The Up, Down, Left and Right keys move the man.
The Pick Up key allows to pick up diamonds or to dig the ground without moving; Hold it down and then press one of the direction keys. ( The Shift keys work like the Pick Up key ). The Pick Up key is of the highest importance, it allows you to pick up inaccessible diamonds in another way.
The Pause key pauses or starts the current game.
The Escape Level key stops the current level.
The Escape Game key stops the current game.
- Demo Starts the demo mode.
- Help Shows the help screen.
The principal screen :
- The Game button starts a new game.
- The Editor button switchs to editor mode to build new levels ( only available in the BALDERDOUSH EDITOR release ).
- The left and right arrows select the start level.
- The padlocks indicates that the level is locked by a password. Clic on them to enter the password and to unlock the level. You obtain the password of one level when you have finished the precedent level.
The game :
Clic on the Game button to start a game.
Each level starts by a presentation screen.
It shows :
- the number of man left.
- the level number.
- the score
- eventualy a password to restart at this level.
The level starts as early as you push the space bar.
The score line :
NNN = number of diamonds to get to finish the level.
VVVV = value of each diamond get.
TTTT = time remaining to finish the level.
SSSSSS = score.
To finish a level ,you must pick up the NNN required diamonds in order to open the exit door and then enter this door to go to next level. When you fail in a level, hit the space bar to exit.
Strategy :
In the first levels, just collect diamonds and avoid boulders.
The game will become progressively complicated and you will meet :
- square monsters : squash them under boulders to break a wall or to get rid of them.
- butterfly monsters : squash them under boulders to get extra diamonds.
- passing walls : push boulders on them to transform them into diamonds.
- lava : enclose it to transform it into diamonds or use it to explose monsters.
Shareware :
This application is shareware.
If you use it and like it, send me $15.
(Please, don't send me foreign cheques but rather cash : my bank takes nearly $12 for expense on them.)
I will send you back the last complete version of BALDERDOUSH EDITOR.
This one includes a level and game editor with new items (bombs,spiders,walls…) and new levels.
You could also give me your opinion on the game and your ideas of improvement.
Indicate me BDD's release number and how you've got it : friend, BBS, floppy disk included in magazine… In this case, I am interested by the photocopies of foreign articles presenting BDD and by the coordinates of magazines.
I collect French and foreign phone cards, and if you send them to me, may be that BALDERDOUSH will be the first phonecardware.
Bugs and compatibility :
This game has been developed on a IIci 8/230 and is planned for a 480*640 256 colors monitor. However it works in all resolutions and in the 4 depths (2,4,16 and 256 colors or greys).
I have tested it on Classic II, IIx, IIci, IIfx, Centris 650 and Quadra 700 with system 6.05, 6.07, 7.01 or 7.1 without problems.
If , by misfortune, it hangs or works strangely on your mac, try with no sound or with a different screen depth. Describ me your problem and your configuration (machine, RAM, system, virtual/cache memory, 24/32 bits, screen depth,…).
If the game is too slow or jerky ( old machine or downscale product), remove the unnecessary INITS and the filesharing or choose a lower screen depth.
Historic :
BDD 1.00 - 02/05/93
- First release
BDD 1.01 - 20/09/93
- A clic on the HELP screen returns to the main screen.
- A double-clic on game file no more hangs on 6.xx system.
- no more BUS ERROR on QUADRA 800 and 900 after QUIT.
BDD Editor 1.02 - 29/09/93
BDD 1.03 - 28/10/93
- Conditional compilation to obtain a smallest application ( -25Ko ) et minimize downloading times.
- No more freeze after QUIT on QUADRA AV 840.
BDD 1.04 - 23/12/93
- Adding of an alert during start to switch to 256 colors mode on machines with bigger depths.
BDD 1.04 bis - 06/03/94
- Shift during start of the application select a second preferences file. On a powerbook duo, this allows to use one keyboard settings for the powerbook and another for the dock.